Locals Attend VFW District 28 Meeting

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Veterans of VFW No. 5254 and Ladies Auxiliary attended the quarterly District 28 VFW meeting at the Leander Post  #10427 on Sunday, Feb. 16. Those attending from La Grange were Joseph Kruppa, Quartermaster; Frank Brauner, Chaplain; and G. R. Thurman Officer of the Day; from the Post and President Twila Thurman, Jr. Vice President Barbara Brauner from
the Ladies Auxiliary. Also attending were Cliff and Susan Gage of La Grange and their son Parker


Fayette County Record

127 S. Washington St.
P.O. Box 400
La Grange, TX 78945
Ph: (979) 968-3155
Fx: (979) 968-6767