Demonstration Orchard Planted at Winedale
Monte Nesbitt, Texas A&M AgriLife program specialist for fruit and nut trees, prepares to plant a pomegranate tree near one of the log cabins on the grounds of the Winedale Historical Complex. Nesbitt, along with Fayette County Extension Agent Scott Willey and fellow agents from Washington, Austin and Colorado counties, planted dozens of trees at Winedale on Wednesday, October 21. The orchard is situated around one of the historic homes at the Winedale complex, which is owned by the University of Texas. In addition to pomegranates, the AgriLife officials planted peach, pear, fig, jujube and persimmon trees in the orchard. Winedale will host a fruit tree workshop on February 19 put on by AgriLife. Willey said the demonstration orchard will also be used in research to help local landowners select fruit tree varieties that grow well in this part of Texas.
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