Arsenic Update: More on the Local Water Controversy
By H.H. HOWZE Drinking water contamination is in the news these days, nowhere more so than the tragic situation in Flint, Michigan where an attempt to save money by switching water systems is exposing thousands of households to elevated levels of lead.
Last week a study revealed that over 50,000 Texans are exposed to toxic levels of arsenic in their drinking water. Below is an update on our arsenic story in Friday’s FCR.
First, some background.
On January 22, 2001 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted a new standard for arsenic in drinking water of no more than 10 parts per billion (ppb), replacing the old standard of 50 ppb.
The rule became effective on February 22, 2002. The date by which systems had to comply with the new 10 ppb standard was January 23, 2006.
When that date rolled around, several Fayette County water systems were out of compliance with the new standard, according to Befco consulting engineer Gene Kruppa.
As of today all of these systems are either in compliance or in the process of becoming compliant, Kruppa said Friday.
Here’s a list of the systems which have been or still are out of compliance with the arsenic standard and how things stand currently:
• Fayette County Water Supply Corporation: In compliance by blending water from wells which exceed the standard with water from wells which do not.
• City of Flatonia: City uses the same blending technique to achieve compliance.
• City of Ellinger: USDA grant funds for a new well are in the process of approval, according to Kruppa.
“There are three options,” he said. “Abandon the old well and drill another; treat the water from the current well or blend water from current well with water from a compliant well.” How Ellinger will proceed is to be determined.
• Whispering Hills Achievement Center: Currently out of compliance and using bottled water. Future strategy under study.
Fayette County Record
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