LG Still Trying to Fix Water Problems

Trihalomethanes are tricky to spell, and proving even harder to get out of the water supply.

The city of La Grange water has exceeded federal limits on total trihalomenthanes (TTHM) since late 2015. 

And while drinking water with TTHM at the level La Grange currently has isn’t an immediate public danger, the federal government has determined that drinking such water long-term can results in health problems.

These TTHM grow in the water as a result of the chlorine that must be added to make the water safe to drink.

So city leaders have been trying to find a solution.

At Monday’s meeting, La Grange city council members heard from Bob Schmidt, of Brenham-based firm O’Malley Strand Associates, which they have hired to help remedy the situation.

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Fayette County Record

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