Remember When?

Jan. 27-31, 1967

Work on the new public school auditorium was about 60 days ahead of schedule, according to Superintendent C.A. Lemmons. The new space would be available for use during the bulk of the spring semester and baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies could be held there in air-conditioned comfort. “We are through worrying about the weather at graduation time,” Mr. Lemmons said.

Elma Minzenmeyer of Swiss Alp was one of six Lutheran Church in America delegates from across the nation, who was attending a three-day seminar in Washington, D.C., entitled “The Christian Farmer and His Government.” Mr. Minzenmeyer, who was to be accompanied by his wife, was flying from Austin to Washington. At the closing session of the 12th annual two-day meeting of the Sportsmen’s Clubs of Texas held at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, Fayette County Clerk John A. Kubena was one of 10 vice presidents reelected for another year.




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