Schulenburg ISD Looking for Volunteers to Help Flood Victims
Schulenburg ISD will have busloads of evacuees coming in from the Fulshear and other surrounding areas today. School cafeteria staff are being mobilized to help with meals. If you are interested in volunteering, please come by the old gym or the cafeteria to help out. First buses should be arriving before 11 a.m. We are unsure of how many to expect but just the term "busloads" means to expect a lot.
The Schulenburg ISD old gym is the Red Cross Shelter in Schulenburg. Items they greatly need if you can help include:
- Tooth Brushes
- Tooth Paste
- Deodorant
- Lotion
- Brushes / Combs
- Diapers
- Paper Towels
- Pillows
- Soap
- Drinks
- Blankets
- Snacks
Fayette County Record
127 S. Washington St.
P.O. Box 400
La Grange, TX 78945
Ph: (979) 968-3155
Fx: (979) 968-6767