Remember when?

March 22-29, 1968

Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Schmidt were returning from visiting family in Schulenburg when they came across a man and woman ministering to a small boy beside a car parked beside the highway. When the Schmidts stopped, they discovered the youth had been overcome by carbon monoxide while sleeping in the back seat. Noting the serious nature of the situation and the near hysteria of the boy’s parents, the Schmidts loaded the boy into their station wagon and headed for Fayette Memorial Hospital where a local physician soon had the young man breathing normally again. The travelers, who were from Tyler, said they had begun to feel somewhat dizzy, but did not realize that a faulty muffler was pumping poisonous gas through the floorboards and into the car until they heard their son gasping for breath. The names of the fortunate travelers were not recorded.


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Fayette County Record

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