Remember when?

April 16-19, 1968

The official opening of the Freis collection in the Kreische Home on Monument Hill at Frisch Auf! Village was scheduled for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freis, who had moved into the Kreische House several weeks before, brought with them over 20,000 objects from their lifelong collection of early Texana and Americana. This included guns, pistols, mastodon bones, antique glass, china and crystal, Indian arrowheads and artifacts, antique bills and coins, fossils, pioneer musical instruments, horse and oxen shoes, samples of very old barbed wire, and a vast array of other items. Mr. Freis had begun his collection over 50 years before at the age of 15. He assisted a mining engineer named H. H. Roberts, who came to Texas from London, England, in search of southwestern antiquities. It was through Mr. Roberts’ great knowledge that Mr. Freis developed his boyhood hobby into a lifetime project. The Frisch Auf! Five and the Janak Brothers were to provide German music and folk singing for the event


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