A Little of This and a Bit of That
This column was written while I was sick and could think of nothing else to meet my deadline. It is pure miscellany as the title suggests. I did think of my dear friend, Mr. Barton, when I wrote the title. A few thoughts have been gleaned from other sources, but the majority are from the Book of Brenda–Part I.
Materialism in America begins with an upper class “M.” When did we lose sight of the adage that grounded our parents: “When your output exceeds your income, your upkeep’s gonna’ be your downfall.”
Why are all the ‘great offers’ advertised on television priced at $19.99? Hold on–if you order now, you get two– just pay separate postage and handling on the free one.
Don’t give fruitcake as a Christmas gift unless you know the person really well.
What happened to that rule that told us we could block unwanted solicitation calls? Rachel of Credit Card Services didn’t get the notice.
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