Locals Attend Legislative Day at Capitol

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Thursday, April 25, was Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Day at the Capitol in Austin. Seven members of Fayette County Republican Women attended: Donna Barr, VP; Kimberley Rutledge,Treasurer; Jana Rinehart, member; Sherrie Tolbert, Literacy Chair; Barbara Appelt, President; Carole Bourlon, Scholarship Chair; and Deborah Frank, Secretary.

Prior to entering the capitol for the sessions, a group from SD18 met with Senator Lois Kolkhorst on the east lawn of the capitol to receive an update on several of the bills she has been working on during this legislative session. They then sat in on the House and Senate sessions and were recognized by Representative Ben Leman and Senator Lois Kolkhorst during those sessions.

The many members of other Republican Women’s clubs from other districts were recognized by their representatives, as well. It was amazing to see the sea of red throughout the galleries, knowing that this was just a small portion of Republican women in Texas.



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Fayette County Record

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