Cistern’s Hendrix Named New Director of Kreische Brewery and Monument Hill State Historic Site

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CISTERN News Meet Your Neighbor

Cistern residents will be seeing a lot more of Marsha Hendrix around the area thanks to her new title. As of September 1, she has been named the director of the Kreische Brewery and Monument Hill State historic sites just south of La Grange. Marsha and her husband, Taylor, relocated to the Cistern area in 2018 after suffering severe damage and loss to their home in Rockport due to Hurricane Harvey. After rebuilding their ravaged home, the Hendrixes decided they no longer wanted to live in a hurricane-prone area. They sold their house and headed to Central Texas where longtime family friends had suggested they look for their new home. After looking at places in Seguin, Shiner and other area towns, they found the home they were looking for right here in the Cistern area. Taylor’s work as a potter could be done anywhere he had a studio, and he and a friend, as well as fellow potter, Jim Bob, had plans to start a new business together. The two men bought a skid steer, a trailer and a truck to haul it all, and started their land clearing business appropriately called Two Guys and a Skid Steer. Between jobs clearing land and doing grapple work, the friends travel to area festivals and fairs selling their handmade tiles and pottery.



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