Vlasta (Bohac) Bartos.Leonard grew up in Ammannsvilleand his parentsowned the Bartos Store that wasa local gathering spot. He attendedschool in Ammannsvilleand La Grange and graduatedfrom La Grange High School.Leonard married Dorothy Poppof High Hill on July 15, 1951after completing his service inthe US Military and while attendingthe University of Texasin Austin.He graduated from the Universityof Texas and became alicensed pharmacist after whichhe was quickly thrust into takingover the Farmer’s Drug storeafter his great-uncle Joe Bartospassed away. Leonard was thepharmacist owner of Farmer’sDrug Store in Weimar from1952 to 1996.Leonard and Dorothy livedin Weimar and raised five children.As a life-long area resident,he was involved in manyorganizations including theWeimar Volunteer Fire Department,Knights of Columbus4th Degree, Rotary Club andthe American Legion. He was adevoted member of the St. Michael’sparish.Survivors include his wife,Dorothy who continues to live inWeimar, son Wayne and his wifeAnnette of Waxahachie, daughterMyra Duncan and her husbandCarl of High Hill, son Billand his wife Victoria of Cypress,son Randy and his wife Jenniferof Austin and son Mark and hiswife Carrie of Lakeway. He isalso survived by 12 grandchildrenand 11 great grandchildren.He is preceded in death byhis parents, brother Justin Bartosof La Grange and sister WillieMae (Bartos) Janda from LaGrange.He loved spending time withhis family and enjoyed attendingdances and church picnicsand anywhere that he could visitwith old friends and make newones. He never knew a stranger.He always had a smile anda big handshake or hug whenevergreeting friends and family.Leonard and Dorothy were avidtravelers and had the opportunityto visit many countries andstates by long family road trips,cruises and air travel.The funeral arrangementsare being handled by HubbardFuneral Home, Inc. Visitationwas held on Wednesday, Sept.25 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the funeralhome. Services started with aRosary at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday,Sept. 26 at St. Michael’s CatholicChurch in Weimar followedimmediately by the funeral serviceat the church and interment at St. Michael’s Cemetery. Pallbearers were Leonard’s grandsons Eric Bretting, Kevin Bartos, Jordan Bartos, Travis Bartos, Brandon Bartos and Aidan Bartos. Honorary pall bearers included granddaughters Kim Rollins, Kristen Hughes, Bethany Bartos, Lauren Ralph, Lindsey Bartos and Maysie Bartos. In lieu of flowers, contributions or donations can be made to St. Michael’s School or Church in Weimar, the Weimar Volunteer Fire Department, Knights of Columbus or the charity of your choice.
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