Catholic Daughters Pray for Our Country

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Annunciation No. 1962 held their monthly meeting on Sept. 23. The meeting opened with a prayer by Deacon Mike Meismer, followed by a special prayer intentions, singing of the Opening Ode and pledges to the United States and Texas flags.
Many members were present to pray the Patriotic Rosary which was led by Deacon Mike Meismer, Shirley Antosh, Carolyn Weishuhn, Elizabeth Kallus, Stacy Ryza, Marilyn Kothmann and Mary Lou Anderle. It was a very solemn Rosary which acknowledges our religious leaders as well as all public leaders throughout the United States and in our local county. The prayers also extend out to all individuals in the 50 states. It was a beautiful start to the meeting.
Business matters were discussed and reports were accepted. A motion was adopted to make a $100 donation to the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA in honor of Father Daniel Kahlich who served as a Reserve Chaplain.
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