Shorthorns Down La Grange in Triple Overtime

Shorthorns Down La Grange in Triple Overtime

In a game fans may never forget, La Grange and Schulenburg played en epic triple overtime thriller Monday, which the Shorthorns won 60-55.

“I saw some good things from a lot of players,” said La Grange head coach David Cooper. “Obviously, there were some mistakes that we made that we got to get corrected. Anytime you play in a close game like that, you got to be able to close the game out and we weren’t able to do that. Kind of disappointing because we had visited about being able to play with a lead, so maybe the learning curve is a little bit longer right now with this group. But we’ll get it figured out. We got to get back up in the morning and come back and play again.”

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Fayette County Record

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