LG Boys Move Into First, Girls Into Second in a Pair of Thrilling Wins

LG Boys Move Into First, Girls Into Second in a Pair of Thrilling Wins

It was, quite simply, the best night for La Grange soccer at Leopard Stadium – ever.

The La Grange boys soccer team took over first place in the district standings with a thrilling 1-0 victory over Bellville Tuesday at Leopard Stadium. Then the Lady Leps followed suit with a win via penalty kicks after they tied with Bellville 1-1 in regulation. That victory moves the Lady Leps into a tie for second in the district standings.

“Historic win for our program being able to finally beat one of our biggest district nemeses,” said La Grange girls coach Chris Westall. “Combine that with the boys getting their win and it was a great night for LG soccer.”

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