Spotlight on Student Mental Health: Part I
Fayetteville ISD Trying to Stay Proactive
Several recent events, including a teen suicide, have spurred some discussion about mental health issues in Fayette County, especially as it relates to schools. Recently a mother of a teen suicide victim shared her suggestions with a local school board. This is obviously an important topic we want to keep the public informed and engaged about. As part of that discussion, we recently asked all five superintendents in Fayette County to ask two questions:
1) What are some efforts your school has made in the past to address the mental health needs of your students?
2) Looking forward, how is your school district planning to address mental health needs at your school?
Here’s the first response we received, this one from Fayetteville superintendent Jeff Harvey:
Fayetteville ISD has been taking a proactive approach to mental health over the last few years. We have been working with various local groups to provide education to our students through presentations, talks and seminars on various topics related to mental health. Additionally, our staff has been working to make students aware that they have several options (counseling, suicide prevention hotline, etc.) in the event that they are struggling with issues related to mental health.
As a staff, we are remaining vigilant and relying on communication between the school and parents regarding any concerns related to mental health. Ultimately, when warranted, we work with the parents of any students suspected of having mental health issues, specifically suicidal thoughts, to connect them with outside agencies for further evaluation and services, as well as, providing services for them in the school setting through counseling.
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