Fayette County Bans Gatherings of More than Ten People

Today, March 19, the Fayette County Commissioners approved a seven-day extension to the state of local disaster that County Judge Joe Weber declared last Friday.
The disaster declaration that Commissioners approved today gives the County Judge the authority to “control the movement of persons and the occupancy of premises” within Fayette County.
The declaration bans "social and planned gatherings" of groups of more than ten people in hopes of stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus. So far, no one in Fayette County has tested positive for the virus, although results are pending for some tests. The declaration expires on March 26 unless the commissioners re-authorize it.
In an announcement made over the noon hour today, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered schools closed statewide until at least April 3. He also ordered a ban on dine-in eating and gathering in groups of more than 10 as the state ramps up efforts to battle the coronavirus. Abbott's order also will shut down gyms and bars, and those closures take effect at 11:59 p.m. Friday, according to the governor's office.
On Wednesday, March 18, all Fayette County schools announced they would extended school closure through March 27, but now the Governor’s action extends that to at least April 3.
Fayette County Record
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