During This Pandemic, Expect Healthcare Changes

During This Pandemic, Expect Healthcare Change

Healthcare providers in our County (and Nation) are making huge changes to their daily procedures. It is incumbent on the public to be aware of these adjustments and to “do their part” to limit the saturation of all healthcare facilities in our rural County during this pandemic.

Our local community healthcare providers (HCP), along with Emergency Management, are anticipating the healthcare needs of County and utilizing creative ways to locate those necessary resources that are no longer available through our normal procurement procedures. Dentists’ offices, furniture stores and even a distillery have donated, created or used their God-given ingenuity to repurpose their normal operations to fill the local HCP’s needs with additional gloves, gowns and hand sanitizer.

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Fayette County Record

127 S. Washington St.
P.O. Box 400
La Grange, TX 78945
Ph: (979) 968-3155
Fx: (979) 968-6767