St. Michael’s Church Offering Drive-In Worship

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Services will all take place as “Drive-In” Worship Services. In order to be respectful of the limits placed on gatherings of people, we will have only a few (less than 10) people assisting with leading the service. Everyone will park in the church parking lot facing the church doors and Pastor Nate Hill will lead the service from the front steps. You will be able to hear through your car radio as the service will be broadcast over a short-range FM transmitter.

You are asked to remain in your cars for the duration of the service, so be sure to bring snacks and activities for the children! Specific instructions about the service will be given to the attendees on Sunday.

Pastor Hill stated, “We are looking forward to being able to gather together as a congregation and community in this unusual way.” For more information call the church office at (979) 242-3444.

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Fayette County Record

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