Hunt For New York City Triple Murder Suspect Ends Here

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Without a word, Miguel Mejias- Ramos walked out of the Fayette County Jail Wednesday bound for New York with cuffs 
on his hands and chains on his feet. Inside the La Grange jail, however, Mejias-Ramos, 29, had been anything but silent –
openly confessing to four New York detectives that he had stabbed and murdered his wife Deisy, 21, and daughters Yaslin,
1, and Daniela, 2, Sunday in a jealous rage after suspecting Deisy of cheating on him with another man


Fayette County Record

127 S. Washington St.
P.O. Box 400
La Grange, TX 78945
Ph: (979) 968-3155
Fx: (979) 968-6767