Clarence John Hagens

Rev. Clarence John Hagens, 85, of Shiner died May 24, 2014. He was born April 1, 1929 in Swiss Alp to Emil and Dora Jaenichen Hagens. He attended eight grades at Washington Rural School and graduated from La Grange High School in 1946. He graduated from Texas Lutheran University in Seguin in 1951, with a major in Greek. In 1955 he graduated from Central Lutheran Theological Seminary in Freemont, Neb. with a Master of Divinity Degree. He married his lovely bride, Iona Discher of Shiner in 1952. In 1953-54, he served his internship at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Albuquerque, N.M. under Dr. Leeland C. Soker. He was ordained a Lutheran Pastor on May 24, 1955 at United Dr. Martin Lutheran Church in Shiner. He served as pastor of mission churches in Lubbock, Mesquite, Lake Charles and Louisiana. In 1967, he became pastor of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in San Antonio. He also served at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Goliad and retired in 1987 after serving as pastor of Palm Valley Lutheran Church in Round Rock. For retirement, he and his wife, Iona moved to Shiner to the family farm. During his retirement, he served as a supply pastor and as interim pastor at Swiss Alp, Goliad, Moulton, Shiner, Portland and Corpus Christi. He served on the Camping Committee, Evangelism and Stewardship Committees of the Synod and served on the Synod Council of the Texas Louisiana Synod. He also served on the Bishop’s Task Force for Rural Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Southwestern Texas Synod. Rev. Hagens served as interim/ visitation pastor at Shiner until 2013 when his health began to decline. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Iona M. Hagens of Shiner; daughter, Rebekah K. Hagens of Seguin; son, Mark T. Hagens and wife Pattye of Shiner; granddaughters, Dr. Lindsye Hagens and Emily Solis; sister Lillian Zimmerman of Georgetown; brother, George Hagens of Schulenburg. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother, Nolen Hagens. A Memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2014 at United Dr. Martin Luther Church in Shiner with the Rev. Elaine Gomulka officiating. Memorials may be given to United Dr. Martin Luther Church, P.O. Box 26, Shiner, Texas 77984. On-line guestbook may be signed at www.thielecooper. com. Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home in Yoakum was in charge of arrangements.
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