Digging For Buried Treasure
In 1966 I had been married for one year and was living in the Ammannsville community in a rent house owned by Mr. Emil Berger. He was a prominent farmer in Ammannsville and one great guy! He charged me $30 a month for rent. We even kept a Holstein milk cow in the adjoining pasture and barn. My wife milked this cow every day and we had a steady supply of milk. In the winter months, since Mr. Berger was getting up in age, I would go to his place and feed hay to his cows. In return he deducted $30 monthly from the rent. We also were allowed to have a large garden. This garden was about 60 feet long and 40 feet wide. We couldn’t afford a gas powered tiller to loosen up the ground so one day I borrowed my dad’s Super C Farmall tractor with a 3-point disc plow.
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