Bumper Stickers Everywhere

You are sitting in traffic and nothing, absolutely nothing, is good on the radio. So, you do the only thing that you can do without taking your hands off the steering wheel. You start reading the bumper stickers.

Now-a-days, vehicles have a lot more than just bumper stickers on their precious means of transportation. I noticed the car ahead of me had their family members displayed as stick figures – father, mother, brother, sister and even the family dog. I was now informed how many people are in their family, like I needed to know that but it was cute. I looked to my left and noticed that the bumper sticker read, “Honk if you love the Astros.” I love the Astros but figured I better not honk in this mess of traffic because I may get hand gestures that have not even been invented. I noticed that the SUV, to the right of me, had the Ohio State sticker on the back of their windshield. I figured they were J.K. Dobbins fans and was intrigued and proud of the fact that we have a great football player from our area. And the car before the SUV had a La Grange High School sticker on the bumper. Go LEPS!

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Fayette County Record

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