Koenig Family Reunion Held at Moravia

The descendants of John August and Mary Klaevemann Koenig met this past Saturday at the Moravia Hall in Lavaca
County to celebrate the 98th birthday of Paul Edmond Gerhard Koenig and to reunite as a family as they have done annually since the 1950s. John August Gerhard Koenig immigrated to Fayette County along with his mother, Dorothea Dinklage “Dora” Koenig and siblings, Carl Christian “Charlie” Koenig and Dorothea Friederike “Frieda” Koenig Frank in the late 19th century, arriving in Galveston aboard the Trave on October 18th, 1889.


Fayette County Record

127 S. Washington St.
P.O. Box 400
La Grange, TX 78945
Ph: (979) 968-3155
Fx: (979) 968-6767