Some Worried About Toxic Runoff from FPP

Fayetteville-area landowner John Mikus took these photographs on March 9 of Baylor Creek (left) and Cedar Creek (right), near the Fayette Power Project on TX-71. Mikus said he believes the discolored water in Baylor Creek was caused by runoff from the ash pile at the power plant. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will hold a public meeting on the plant’s discharge permit April 9 in La Grange.



The heavy rains that fell on March 8 and 9 sent some funny- looking water rushing down Baylor Creek near LCRA’s Fayette Power Project. John Mikus, a landowner in the area, took photos of the cream-colored water in Baylor Creek on Monday, March 9, as it rushed past the bridge at Texas Hwy. 71 near the power plant. Just down the road at Cedar Creek, the runoff was the more usual muddy-brown color.


Fayette County Record

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