What Effect Will Trump’s Presidency Have on FPP?

President-elect Trump has said he will cancel or loosen climate and environmental agreements agreed to or proposed by the Obama administration.

Of local interest, the softening of regional federal rules could make it easier for utilities to operate coal-fired power plants.

LCRA executive vice president for public affairs Bill Lauderback told the Record Friday that, “Based on his statements during the campaign, it is clear that President-elect Trump has a very different perspective on fossil fuels as an energy source than that of President Obama.  However, it is too early to speculate on how a Trump administration’s actions on energy and environmental policies  may or may not impact LCRA’s Fayette Power Project.”

 According to news sources, the economics of the coal industry and the City of Austin’s initiative to sell its share of the FPP may have more effect on the plant’s future than Federal rules.


Fayette County Record

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