Shopping? Not My Game!

I’m facing a deadline to get some words to the editor and I have no interesting subject. So, I’ll just tell you about last Friday afternoon, which revolved around my trip to the store--a task we all--men and women alike— face with varying degrees of dread. From my personal perspective, I will go a step further---it’s akin to a fate worse than death. I hate to shop.
I detest malls and abhor those long rows of outlet stores along the freeway. I believe the last time I entered a mall was last summer and then it was only to exchange a birthday gift for another size. I was in and out of there in less than fifteen minutes. Do I shop the internet? No! One, I do not know how to order on line; and, if I did, I would be afraid to buy anything I hadn’t actually seen, touched, or examined. Two, I fear I’d be taken advantage of and my credit card would be spent to its limit in Yemen or somewhere. Three, I rarely ever shop for clothing. Nieces Deb and Sharon and neighbor Ruthie keep my closet filled with nice clothes they no longer need.
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