Incompetent or Overworked?

Incompetent or Overworked?

For the past six months I have worked most of each week trying to get all the legal work done that follows a death. As if the grief is not enough, there is all the gathering of information and the endless dealing with large entities whose associates do not always provide correct information in a timely manner.

Thus, grief is compounded by the stress of trying to get through to someone in a large corporation or government agency who is a live person who hears and understands the situation. Mechanized recordings are not human and do not care! I’ve spent an incalcuable number of hours on ‘hold’ while waiting for a human voice. All the while, I am entertained by repetitive music or chimes, commercials, and messages such as, “We are sorry for this delay but we are presently receiving an increase in call volume which may cause your wait time to be extended…” I’m always tempted to reply, “This is because some of us were not connected to the right department earlier and those who were received incorrect information yesterday which caused a great volume of us to call back today.”

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Fayette County Record

127 S. Washington St.
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